Profitability of Agricultural Production


SKU: 9786207656516
Author: Eberhardt Cerutti, Carla Scherer Kuhn, Claudia
Publication Date: 06/12/2024
Publisher: Our Knowledge Publishing
Binding: Paperback
Media: Book
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With the changes in technology, companies need to be constantly up-to-date with the technologies involved in production and management. In the same way, rural producers need to be up to date on machine technology and ways of managing their property, so that they are aware of their production costs, their income and the returns on their property. This study seeks to identify the production process that brings the most return to the property, and whether current production is capable of generating the minimum return expected from each production. This study shows the results of production in relation to the minimum return from renting the land in each period of the production process. The costs of the production processes were identified, the profitability of each production and a comparison of the production alternatives that bring the greatest return to the property. In order to carry out the research, the methodology used consists of a case study with quantitative and qualitative evaluation, bibliographical research, through the theoretical foundation of production processes and costs, management in agribusiness, evaluation of results.