“James Joyce and the Philosophers at Finnegans Wake” explores how Joyce used the philosophers Nicholas Cusanus, Giordano Bruno, and Giambattista Vico as the basis upon which to write “Finnegans Wake.” Very few Joyce critics know enough about these philosophers and therefore often miss their influence on Joyce’s great work. Joyce embraces these philosophic companions to lead him through the underworld of history with all its repetitions and resurrections, oppositions and recombinations. We as philosophical readers of the “Wake” go along with them to meet everybody and in so doing are bound “to encounter for the millionth time the reality of experience and to forge in the smithy” of our souls the “uncreated conscience” of humankind. Verene builds his study on the basis of years of teaching “Finnegans Wake” side by side with Cusanus, Bruno, and Vico, and his book will serve as a guide to readers of Joyce’s novel.