You’ve heard of publish or perish. For years this has been the mantra of the academic world. Now it is also true of entrepreneurs. It is a fact! Your market is looking for information and the fact is that if you don’t give it to them, your competitors are going to and then they’ll get there first. This book is a powerful tool that helps you do that. Before buying products, the public wants information. Information is important and as a writer, coach, consultant, entrepreneur, business owner, Internet Marketer, you need to be providing your market with information before your competitors do. When a consumer goes into the grocery store, they read the labels; they want to know what food they’re consuming. When they purchase any electronic device, any appliance, clothes, shoes, any item, they want to read about that item so they know what they are purchasing. And the same is true of your business. This book demonstrates ways in which you can provide information to your market with little or no effort in a fast, efficient way.