An investigation entitled “Economic Analysis of Production & Marketing of Mustard in Jammu District”. An attempt was also made to study the problems that were faced by the mustard growers in production and marketing in the study area. Among different categories of farms, gross returns were higher also on medium farms followed by small farms and marginal farms. Two types of marketing channels were identified in the study area for marketing of mustard viz. channel-I (Producer-Village trader- Processor) and channel-II (Producer-Processor). The major constraints faced by the farmers in the study area as a whole in production and marketing of mustard like deficiency in their technical knowledge about growing this crop as expressed by them. A large number of cultivators are engaged in the cultivation of this crop. A portion of their family income comes from this crop enterprise. For smooth cultivation of mustard, supply of necessary inputs including finance is required to be ensured for the farmers. This study leads to further investigation in detail above aspects since there were some limitations of this study.