3D printing: a range of opportunities in product development


SKU: 9786207791989
Author: de Avila, Lucas Coelho
Publication Date: 07/15/2024
Publisher: Our Knowledge Publishing
Binding: Paperback
Media: Book
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In recent times, a new and promising type of technology has been developed and is gradually gaining more and more prominence. This is 3D printing or rapid prototyping, which consists of printers capable of printing an object in three dimensions, as specified by the user using software. This technology has great potential to bring benefits in various areas, as it allows the creation of specific objects, according to the wishes or needs of its users. The aim of this paper is to discuss 3D printing, its benefits, possible uses, expectations, how it works, and to carry out a practical application of the technology in relation to the planning and design of two new types of product.