Most spiritual traditions foster a belief in the possibility of personal transformation based on a faith and hope in a forgiving God. This, Kurt Krumpholz’s first full-length, collection of poems, gives breath and cadence to a sense that each of us is the protagonist in an epic narrative of error, realization, and redemption. A journey on which self-destructive decisions can be atoned for by a God who accepts us as beloved, in spite of the impulses, addictions, and immoralities that plague us.Stacking Pebbles on Stones wrestles fearlessly with the many facets of love – familial, romantic, sacred, erotic, and criminal – that imprison the human heart. Probing the sadness of a man condemned to social death, these poems reveal how perseverance, and a relentless belief in an ecstasy that transcends suffering, can point the way back; from destruction to rebirth. Along the way, Krumpholz bears witness to the truth that even the lost and forgotten can find power, if not justice, within a soulless system that mercilessly pummels countless men and women in its misguided chase for easy political gains.