This is the the core of this book. When is a picture of a naked man art and when it is better to call it pornography? For many people the limit is a male nude with an erect penis. That is not my opinion. An erection is a biological consequence of excitement. Excitement is an emotion, as well as fear, anger, pride and joy, with expressions such as laughing, crying, screaming. Due to an age-old taboo, that mainly is imposed by Christianity in the Western world, sexual excitement is viewed outside the group of accepted visible emotions. I would like to point to the question why the male nude is still not fully accepted and often so difficult to sell. To the large crowd male nudity is still too much attached to homosexuality and many people, especially men, are afraid to be placed in boxes by showing interest. I regularly notice that at exhibitions and art fairs. It would be nice if the naked man in the art could come out of the box of the Gay Art and be more generally valued, as it is with naked women in the art for centuries. Hopefully, this book contributes to the debate on this issue. Featured in this volume are: 1. Liam Campbell – U.S. 2. Kou Shou – Macau. 3. Rebecca Deegan – Ireland. 4. Petr Sestak – Czech Republic. 5. Jim Ferringer – U.S. 6. Charles Simmonds – U.K. 7. Ajamu – U.K. 8. Zorlalito – India 9. Roslan Kortosenzky – Germany. 10. John Waiblinger – U.S. 11. Jaap de Jonge – The Netherlands. 12 Romauld and PJ. – France 13. George Strasburger. – U.S 14. Ivan Cartwight – U.K. 15. Mike’ee Watson – U.K.