Christopher Trevor now brings to life erotic scenes of forced exhibitionism, revenge and control. His collection of stories allows me to feed those desires. -The Boss Man- I find the work of Christopher Trevor to be truly amazing. He has the gift to take people on a fantasy ride that feels very real. In many ways you are in that fantasy that he tells; fantasies of revenge that many of us only dream about. That is what a writer does. Writers are dreamers of dreams and in a very poetic way share their visions and dreams with us. Christopher Trevor has successfully done that in his works and I am sure this collection of Revenge tales will be just as tittalating… -Adam H.- Christopher Trevor’s writing titillates me right down to the “root” of my being. I’m sure that his book of Revenge tales will do the same. I can only imagine what kind of awfully sexy things will be dished out in the name of Revenge. Oh My!!!