I find the work of Christopher Trevor to be truly amazing. He has the gift to take people on a fantasy ride that feels very real. In many ways you are in that fantasy that he tells; fantasies that many of us only dream about. That is what a writer does. Writers are dreamers of dreams and in a very poetic way share their visions and dreams with us. Christopher Trevor has successfully done that in his works. I have read the original writings of Christopher Trevor and am always left with the following: A feeling of awe that such an incredible author of tickling fantasies can make them seem so real, so vivid in my mind that I’m left with afterthoughts for days. . .the instantaneous sexual arousal is intense, and I can hardly read more than 3-5 pages without having to “burst.” Finally, I am always mesmerized at how his mind works. . .how he gets inside my head (similar to how I have gotten inside the head of the guys I have put through their ticklish paces) and make me feel as thou