The present book is an attempt to compile various chemical, nutritional and micro-biological analytical techniques related to handling milk and milk products. The book has been divided into three basic sections dealing in methodologies applicable to raw milk reception to milk product analysis to air, water, detergents and dairy effluent. Â-Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Section â oeAâ deals with various platform and laboratory tests applied to raw and processed milk quality assessment, in terms of rapid tests, detection of adulterants and preservatives, sampling techniques etc. Â-Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Section â oeBâ gives the detailed analytical techniques as applied for determination of various quality parameters/ attributes of different dairy products being manufactured by Indian Dairy Industry. Â-Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Section â oeCâ various other tests applicable to dairy industry for maintaining quality including nutritional quality and hygiene, test for dairy detergents and sanitizers, air and water quality for a dairy plant and determination of melamine, aflatoxins, minerals and vitamins (fat & water soluble). The Text also contains various food regulatory acts, food safety act 2006, hygiene code, ISO 9000 series, ISO 14000 and ISO 22000 quality management systems, PFA and BIS standards for different milk types and MRL values for pesticides, heavy metals and antibiotic substances and list of approved analytical labs are also provided for ready reference.