Hard work compels one to do more and to be more. It empowers one to challenge themselves and to be persistent in the pursuit of their goals. Constructive thinking styles always lead to success because they attract motivation and inspiration to occur. It’s important for a person to know how to find their own way out of the darkness. Productivity helps with that because it urges one to become heroic. Productivity Makes Me Feel Safe is a book of poetry that reminds people of their own power. It is a tribute to choices that we make which define the course of our lives and set us on an unstoppable trajectory. I used to be bullied all of the way through K-12 and even college. I didn’t have many friends, but I spent a lot of time in the library to compensate for the lack of support I was receiving from my classmates. This taught me the importance of self-belief and knowledge. As a former refugee, I can attest to the fact that this attitude is central to success.