Production of api drugs and phytopharmaceuticals


SKU: 9786207552702
Author: Alvarez Nuñez, Orlando Dueñas Ruiz, Odel González Escurdia, Juan Miguel
Publication Date: 05/17/2024
Publisher: Our Knowledge Publishing
Binding: Paperback
Media: Book
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The objective of this research is to study the main economic and social impacts of the production of apipharmaceuticals and phytopharmaceuticals in the Opticians and Pharmacies Enterprise in Villa Clara province. The general procedure proposed for the implementation of the production of phytopharmaceuticals and apipharmaceuticals in the Opticians and Pharmacies Enterprises, with its corresponding stages and steps, results and actions. The study of the organizational diagnosis of the enterprise, with emphasis on the different strategies developed in the local production centers in the province. The economic and social impacts of the production of api pharmaceuticals and phytopharmaceuticals in the company and their validation using the method of the consensus index among experts.