Section 9: Néolithique au Proche Orient et en Europe / Neolithic in the Near East and Europe
Colloque / Symposium 9.3
10 papers (8 in English, 2 in French) from the lithic materials session of the UISPP Congress in Liège in September 2001. The areas of discussion focussed on lithic production in the Linearbandkeramik (LBK) communities of Europe, including: exploitation and processing of siliceous rocks; the characterization of different strategies for knapping blanks for tools at site level and of their mode of production (domestic, specialized, surplus production); the differentiation of settlements (producers, users);the networks of regional and extra-regional exchange (of raw materials, cores, blanks or tools); the modes of distribution, geographical and chronological evidence; and the problems involved in reconstructing the socio-economic context of lithic production.