The value of agricultural activities and the usefulness of this sector lies not only in advanced techniques for preserving harvested produce, but also in the financial income that these agricultural products can generate for households. The territory of Mwenga, which was the target of our analysis, is an agro-pastoral area with a climate and soil favorable to all crops: food crops, market garden produce and industrial crops. Average yields per hectare and production in tonnes differ from one crop to another, depending on the growing season and soil conditions. The explosion in demand for cassava offers farmers the opportunity to intensify production and improve their incomes. But the move to intensive monoculture entails risks, notably the recrudescence of pests and diseases, and soil impoverishment. However, applying the “Produce more with less” model of agriculture, based on an ecosystem approach, enables cassava farmers to exploit cassava’s full potential, i.e. to achieve higher yields and combat rural poverty.