For every college student who wants to be able to work easily, joyfully, and at full capacity on their schoolwork and other important projects.
This wise and timely book shows the way.
Today’s college students face tougher challenges than previous generations, including increased competition, an historically tight post-college job market, and 24 hour/7 day a week social media distractions.
Productivity is Power can help! It offers a 21st century analysis of the causes of underproductivity, including procrastination, perfectionism, and unmanaged time. Author Hillary Rettig shows how these barriers can disempower and derail even the most dedicated student. Then she offers unique solutions that really work, including Nonperfectionist Timed Work Intervals, QuickDrafts, Microintervals, “Dialoguing with Your Inner Perfectionist,” and Values-Based Time Management.
Productivity is Power also offers solutions for BIPOC students, queer students, first generation college students, and others from non-traditional backgrounds or with nontraditional approaches to learning.
Productivity is Power will help every student improve their performance in a healthy, humane, and sustainable way. And it will help the millions of concerned parents and teachers out there who wish to better support their student.