Biodiversity and life on earth is completely linked with environment. Large industrial establishment, intensive agriculture and fuel production in the recent era have resulted in the significant increase in the contaminants that enter in our environment. Among these toxic elements, heavy metals are the most dangerous. The situation is more disastrous in developing countries, where waste water is extensively used for irrigation purposes. Metal pollution is a worldwide problem and serious disturbance to the soil and environment. It is a major constraint to food, feed and industrial raw material production because it severely causes the reduction in yield of many important crops. In many areas of the world, good soils which were previously under cultivation have now become unfit due to metal pollution. Pollution of the biosphere by heavy metals has caught our attention in finding new ways to maintain, restore and manage the environment. Different approaches have been devised to fight against the problem caused by heavy metals. Keeping in consideration, the present manuscript is organized to determine the distribution and affect of metal pollution on the plant efficiency.