Jaime Esteban Rodriguez Acurio, (Latacunga – 1990) from his school the “Immortal” Vicente Leon, was inclined to mathematics and physics, finding his passion for science and technology, finishing his studies with one of the best averages of his class, then Jaime Esteban moved to the city of Quito to continue his university studies at the prestigious Equinoctial Technological University, where he follows the passion for numbers, choosing the career of Petroleum Engineering. In his alma mater he meets professors that would mark his professional career such as Baldeón, Guerra, Izurieta; learning everything from them and putting them into action until the end of his career. He completed his university studies and later applied for a Master’s Degree in Petroleum Engineering, which would be the beginning of all his research in this branch of science and technology, thus fulfilling one of his dreams of contributing his knowledge to the Hydrocarbon Industry of the country and the world.