First of all, this ebook is about a life management framework. What’s a life management framework? I’ll try to explain it here, but you’d better read the book because it explains it in greater detail. Life management is a neutral name for a large collection of habits, strategies, rules, religions, philosophies and patterns on which we are relying every day in living our lives. Life management is one of those things that affects us even if we’re not aware of their existence. by reading this ebook you’ll understand: * what are the Assess, Decide and Do realms, and how Focus and Flow interact with them * what are life imbalances and how you can identify them using only Assess, Decide, Do * what exactly are you supposed to do in each realm in order to maintain its purity and to ensure a smooth flow from one realm to another Second, this ebook is about natural productivity. Again, the terms “natural productivity” and “traditional productivity” are opposed, and they’re also better explained in the ebook. By natural productivity I understand a way to get things done while still having an enjoyable life, while “traditional productivity” is more of a way to just do more in less time. Which is not always cool. by reading this ebook you’ll understand: * how to transform a deadline into a liveline * how to escape the guilt of “not doing enough” * how to incorporate procrastination in your productivity routine, instead of fighting it And third this ebook is a step by step guide for iAdd, the iPhone/iPad app which implements this life management framework. That’s right, there’s an app for that. Made by yours truly, in roughly 30 days. The whole app building process was managed using the same framework: assess what needs to be done, decide if and when to do it, then doing it. by reading this ebook you’ll understand * how to use iAdd for general task, events, projects and idea management * how to use iAdd for blogging * how to use iAdd for shopping (only two of the many use case scenarios iAdd can follow)