From acclaimed filmmaker and the bestselling author of Filmmaking Confidential, Steve Balderson’s The Master Plan: Sensible & Improved Film Production Scheduling overturns conventional entertainment industry scheduling practices which often result in film productions going over budget, running behind schedule, and exhausting a film’s cast and crew.
Why do some film shoots have workdays lasting longer than 12, 14 and even 18 hours? Why are casts and crews on some film shoots always exhausted, grouchy, and yelling at each other? Having directed and produced dozens of award-winning feature films, commercials, music videos and television shows (all of which were produced on-time or ahead of schedule, on or under budget, and with no workdays longer than 12 hours), Steve Balderson has found some answers to these troublesome situations and shares his solutions pointedly. You’ll learn how to avoid overtime, how to keep from subjecting your casts and crews to exhaustion, and how to make sure you have enough time to capture everything you need while filming your scenes.