In this work, we propose to carry out a study on the optimization of maggot production from various local by-products and their distribution in fish farming, under D.R. Congo conditions. The aim of this study is to set up a system for harvesting and distributing maggots in ponds, in significant quantities, in order to increase and improve fish production to meet the nutritional needs of the local population, and to identify the substrate that is most productive in terms of maggots.To this end, we set up an experimental set-up consisting of several covered, sheltered tanks containing mixed substrates. After four experiments lasting 6, 9 and 18 days, the results obtained showed that the determination of maggot production conditions depended on different organic substrate mixes and the physical parameters of the experimental environment, thus promoting the production of inexpensive animal proteins by valorizing local by-products and strengthening the capacities of farmers and stockbreeders through the installation of an integrated agricultural production system.