Con todos ustedes, Madonna: la indiscutible reina del pop.
«La gente creía que un día despertarían y ya no estaría ahí. Pero se equivocaban: nunca me iré.»
«Nunca habría llegado a ser quien soy si no hubiera tenido todas esas normas anticuadas contra las que rebelarme.»
Madonna: cantante y actriz, bailarina y escritora, madre y artista multidisciplinar. Esta biografía ilustrada es la merecida oda a una genia irrepetible e inabarcable y a una carrera única llena de polémicas sonadas, hits atemporales, brillantes estrategias de marketing y decenas de canciones que forman la banda sonora de varias generaciones.
Durante décadas, Madonna se ha mantenido viva en nuestros televisores, casetes, tocadiscos, CD, iPod y playlists. Se trata de una artista que ha destrozado todas las plusmarcas posibles en ventas y números uno. Una mujer que ha destronado a iconos eternos pulverizando sus récords. Una diva que ha sido capaz de desarrollar una carrera de nada más y nada menos que cuarenta años sin bajarse del podio, sobreviviendo a modas, a tendencias y a artistas de irresistible actualidad.
With all of you, Madonna: the undisputed queen of pop.
‘People believed that one day they would wake up and I would no longer be there. But they were wrong: I will never leave.’
‘I would never have become who I am if I hadn’t had all those old-fashioned rules to rebel against.’
Madonna: singer and actress, dancer and writer, mother and multidisciplinary artist. This illustrated biography is the well-deserved ode to an unrepeatable and unfathomable genius and to a unique career full of controversial sounds, timeless hits, brilliant marketing strategies and dozens of songs that make up the soundtrack of several generations.
For decades Madonna has been kept alive on our televisions, cassettes, turntables, CDs, iPods, and playlists. She’s an artist who has smashed all possible sales and number one records. A woman who has dethroned eternal icons by pulverizing their records. A diva who has been able to develop a career of no more and no less than forty years without getting off the podium, surviving fashion, trends and artists who are irresistibly present.