Within the context of marketing, one of the most important
factors to consider is customer satisfaction, sometimes
known by its acronym, CSAT. In essence, it acts as a gauge that
determines how evectile’y a company: s goods and serlices meet or
elen exceed the expectations of its customers. Customer satisfaction
may be summed up with the fo”owing de”nition( )the number of
customers, or percentage of tota’ customers, whose reported experience
with a “rm, its products, or its serlices zratingsq, exceeds speci-
“ed satisfaction goa’s.) This de”nition captures the core of customer
satisfaction perfect’y. This concept emphasiJes how important it is to
not on’y satisfy, but rather continua”y exceed, the expectations and
wants of the priJed c’ients.Customers hale a signi”cant amount of
sway and are unOuestionab’y the essentia’ driling force behind the
success of any business. Their indilidua’ tastes, co”ectile liewpoints,
and summatile experiences