Death is not the end! When the Goddess of Thunder falls, that doesn’t mean Dr. Jane Foster’s epic journey is over. The woman who was Thor claims a new heroic legacy…as the last Asgardian Valkyrie! Jane takes over as the guide and ferrywoman to the dead — and she’s going to be busy, because the lethal killer Bullseye is on the loose, with an Asgardian weapon in hand! As one ally is lost, new friendships are forged with marvelous medics Doctor Strange, Night Nurse and the Excalibur-wielding Dr. Faiza Hussain. But who is their patient? Plus, Valkyrie reunites with the Odinson! And meet your new favorite talking steed, Mr. Horse!
COLLECTING: Mighty Thor (2015) 702-706, Valkyrie: Jane Foster (2019) 1-10; material from Mighty Thor: At the Gates of Valhalla (2018) 1, War of the Realms: Omega (2019) 1