Devontae Lowe is a freshman at Morgan State University and during the Christmas Holiday break he makes a couple of confessions to family and friends. Devontae’s father has always called him D-low because he didn’t like the name that his mother gave him (Devontae.) And since his father’s nick name was C-low, he thought it was appropriate to nick name his son D-low. D-low’s parents divorced and when D-low tuned 17, he moved in with his father. D-low loved his father and looked up to him. And even though his father knew that his son liked males and females, he loved his son more than anything. D-low’s mother didn’t mind her son being bi-sexual however she wanted him to chose one side of the fence and stick with it. But D-low didn’t define himself as being bi-sexual, he would always say, “I’m Me.”