Poetry. African & African American Studies. “Incandescent in her brutality & neon truth, Aziza Barnes writes her way into an urgent Black, wide & beautiful in its scream. You will find lightning here. You will discover a bruised constellation exploding in a vast black body. Her syllables devour the sweet hurt & harm of their own naked limbs & offer us a generous feast. Aziza Barnes is her own revolution, her own galactic orbit & oracle. She writes, ‘In my own home I attempt nightly/to eat my body alive.’ These poems suck their teeth & know their own desperate bones. She grieves, ‘i done walked with a name i couldn’t shake & now i gone.’ Shaped and forged in powerful consciousness, Aziza Barnes possesses a gifted voice that will always be needed and necessary. The poems of this extraordinary debut sweat themselves Black with imagination and desire. In I BE, BUT I AIN’T, Barnes achieves both freedom & forgiveness in an ache that persists infinitely in its intelligence & intuition. Listen to her: ‘I am ungloved in a sabbath of spit.'” Rachel Eliza Griffiths
“Aziza Barnes’s I BE, BUT I AIN’T is a powerful debut that refuses to stroke you soft or angle to be your best friend. Instead, these poems revel in the menagerie of their own discomfort, and ours. Barnes’s is a wild imagination and her poems an ill grammar akin to Jayne Cortez’s percussive surrealism of the body. Want a lolly pop? You won’t get that here. Her poetic is challenging and sophisticated, in a language that refuses to assuage.” Dawn Lundy Martin”