Nobody has ever remarked, “The greatest way to use this time is by filling it full with meetings,” when they have an empty schedule. When you first arrived at work, you thought, “Today, I’ll spend hours on Facebook!” Yet we act in that manner. Why?
Frazzled and distracted have become our normal state in a world where information constantly updates, and the workweek feels like a competition to respond to other people’s priorities more quickly. But what if being always busy and worn out wasn’t necessary? What if you could start managing your time and attention and get off the hamster wheel? This book is about just that.
Jake and John were the pioneers of the well-known “design sprint” at Google Ventures, which has assisted hundreds of teams in rethinking how they operate to address challenging issues. To find ways to help individuals make the most of their time, energy, and attention, they spent years experimenting with their routines and habits. This was built on the success of these sprints and their experience developing widely used digital products like Gmail and YouTube. They have now put the most effective techniques into a straightforward, four-step daily structure that anybody can use to arrange their days carefully. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to Making time. Instead, it provides a configurable menu of manageable advice and tactics that can adjust to suit unique routines and lifestyles.
Making time will enable you to stop passively responding to the pressures of the contemporary world and start purposefully making time for the things that count. It is a must-read for anybody who has thought, If only there were more hours in the day.