Aim of this wor is to verify the property of graphene derivates to increase efficiency in some separation techniques for biomolecule.Various literature report increased effect due to the peculiar properties of this materials.From laboratory research to the analytical testing in example for m R.N.A. product or other nucleic acid.Of interest also to observe what happen in the large scale biopharmaceutical production (downstream production of m R.N.A. VACCINE).This material (graphene magnetic beads) showed 170% increase dactivity in separation vs classic methods.But an interesting question: This kind of products are also used in the m R.N.A. vaccine production?Also siclica resic used in separative column for m R.N.A. purification are classify according their carbon load(this characteristic can vary in example from 0 to 100% in some provider).And what is the effect on final impurity in graphitic product if used column whit high % of carbon load?All this technologies if adopted what kind of toxicological implications can have?The fact that some independent researcher reported graphene like particle in some vials for covid-19 vaccine need a deeply investigation.