Pork is the most produced and consumed meat in the world, its share of the world market has increased year after year, representing more than 40% of the total meat consumed worldwide. Pig farming as an activity has multiplier effects on all productive sectors of the economy, it is an instrument for rooting people in the countryside and an important source of high quality food for human consumption. As a rural activity in small production units, it is decisive because it employs family labour, which contributes to the economy and social stability in the countryside with positive results in the urban environment. It is the small and medium-sized producers who remain in the activity, with modest productive results, due to the fact that they constantly face economic crises, a situation that causes discouragement and even leads them to abandon the activity. The production of pigs in the field can be a solution to the economic problem and presents alternatives in accordance with the adequate disposal of the excrement in order to reduce the environmental impact.