Enhancing Agricultural Productivity and Farmer Incomes in Bihar discusses the performance of Bihar’s agriculture sector in recent times and the multifarious challenges it is facing. The book explores future possibilities from the perspectives of raising agricultural productivity and farmer incomes and attaining inclusive growth. Given that doubling farmers’ incomes in India is the declared agenda of the central and state governments, the insights to be gained from this book would be invaluable for researchers and policymakers.
With more than 90 per cent of the operational holdings in Bihar falling under the ‘marginal’ category and the average size of a holding being a meagre 0.39 hectares, the viability of the small-farming regime in the state is a serious issue. This book will help readers to understand the developmental challenges not only in Bihar but also in other agriculturally backward regions that are largely dominated by small farmers. It will also help researchers to locate areas in which more research needs to be undertaken if accelerated growth of the agriculture sector and sustainable improvement of farmers’ incomes are to be ensured.