1. A bioinformatics workflow for investigating fungal biosynthetic gene clusters
Jorge C. Navarro-Muñoz and Jérôme Collemare
2. Investigating Fungal Biosynthetic Pathways Using Heterologous Gene Expression – Aspergillus oryzae as a heterologous host
Kate M. J. de Mattos-Shipley, Colin M. Lazarus and Katherine Williams
3. Investigating Fungal Biosynthetic Pathways Using Heterologous Gene Expression: Aspergillus nidulans as a Heterologous Host
Danielle A. Yee and Yi Tang
4. Investigating Fungal Biosynthetic Pathways Using Heterologous Gene Expression: Fusarium sp. as a Heterologous Host
Mikkel Rank Nielsen, and Jens Laurids Sørensen
5. Heterologous Expression of Fungal Biosynthetic Pathways in Aspergillus nidulans using episomal vectors
Indra Roux and Yit Heng Chooi
6. Targeted Genetic Engineering via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation in Fusarium solani
Mikkel Rank Nielsen, Samba Evelyne Kabemba Kaniki, and Jens Laurids Sørensen
7. Investigating Fungal Biosynthetic Pathways Using Pichia pastoris as a Heterologous Host
Zhilan Qian, Qi Liu, and Menghao Cai
8. Evolutionary genome mining for the discovery and engineering of natural product biosynthesis
Marc G. Chevrette, Nelly Selem-Mojica, César Aguilar, Kristin Labby, Edder D. Bustos-Diaz, Jo Handelsman, and Francisco Barona-Gómez
9. Inducing Global Expression of Actinobacterial Biosynthetic Gene Clusters
Meghan Pepler, Xiafei Zhang, Hindra, and Marie A. Elliot
10. Engineering modular polyketide biosynthesis in Streptomyces using CRISPR/Cas: a practical guide
Jean-Malo Massicard, Li Su, Christophe Jacob and Kira J Weissman
11. CRISPR/Cas9-Based Methods for Inactivating Actinobacterial Biosynthetic Genes and Elucidating Function
Audam Chhun and Fabrizio Alberti
12. Understanding and Manipulating Assembly Line Biosynthesis by Heterologous Expression in Streptomyces
Lihan Zhang, Takayoshi Awakawa, and Ikuro Abe
13. Heterologous expression, purification, and characterization of type II polyketide acyl carrier proteins
Grayson S. Hamrick, Casey H. Londerganm, and Louise K. Charkoudian
14. Cyanobacterial Genome Sequencing, Annotation and Bioinformatics
Jonna Teikari, Martin Baunach, and Elke Dittmann
15. Single crossover to inactivate target gene in cyanobacteria
Jaimie Gibbons, Liping Gu, Yeyan Qiu and Ruanbao Zhou
16. Double crossover approach to inactivate target gene in cyanobacteria
Jaimie Gibbons, Liping Gu and Ruanbao Zhou
17. Expression of Cyanobacterial Biosynthetic Gene Clusters in Escherichia coli
Alescia Cullen, Matthew Jordan, and Brett A. Neilan
18. Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a heterologous host for natural products
Maximilian Otto, Dany Liu, and Verena Siewers
19. Investigating Plant Biosynthetic Pathways Using Heterologous Gene Expression: Yeast as a Heterologous Host
Shanhui Xu, Sheng Wu, and Yanran Li
20. Rapid Combinatorial Co-Expression of