One of the most challenging value chains for beginners in the fish farming business is the production of fries and fingerlings.
In my experience as a hatcher myself, I’ve gone through the phase where I couldn’t get it, and I’ve failed many times before I could get a grab of producing fries every season.
I don’t want you to have the same experience that’s why I have put together this guide
People want to try hatching catfish but don’t know how to do it.
The book Catfish Fingerlings Production is a guide that will help you get into the business whether you want to go commercial or for personal training.
In this book, you will learn:
– Basic steps to producing catfish fries
– How to manage your fries
– Equipment you need to hatch fish
– Common catfish fries diseases
– How to manage the hatchery pond, etc
If you’re keen to LEARN the basics of catfish fingerlings production, GET this book NOW