A popular writer once said, “There is a big difference between activity and progress.” Many times, we are only carrying out diverse activities thinking we are making progress. Unfortunately, we are only engaged and involved. We are only up and doing, but there is nothing to show forth.
That is why the book BUSY BUT BROKE was conceived. The book explains easy steps that can help you move from being busy to being productive. It is a book borne out of the Author’s personal experience on how she was able to get over the perils of having so much knowledge, but still broke. She shared the experience of how she was busy with a lot of activities, but remained broke and struggling. She narrated the journey of how she moved from being a broke ex-corper to a 6-figures Content writer in less than 6 months. This is not just a book, it is a guide and tool. Every person who desires to grow in their skill should read this book.