Bring it On! An Entrepreneur’s Approach to Implementing New Products or Services Effectively shows you how to tactically launch your product or service. As an entrepreneur, you may tend to toss ideas at the buying public, hoping somebody will buy into it, rather than researching your target market. You are always on the run to find new customers and may ignore your current ones rather than leverage relationships. You may ignore the opportunity for providing your service or product on time by overlooking the strategic timing of your launch. In Bring it On! An Entrepreneur’s Approach to Implementing New Products or Services Effectively, Gilbert Khoury presents an outside-the-box look at how to: Make the switch from “tossing” your products or services at your public to researching your target audience for an optimal return on investment (ROI). Understand your competition to better excel. Write a winning proposal for receiving required funding. Adopt a project management methodology to deliver your products or services on target and on budget. Prepare and protect your enterprise from risks and threats to sustain stability. Apply the strategies in Bring it On! An Entrepreneur’s Approach to Implementing New Products or Services Effectively to any industry-from telecommunications to finance, to pizza delivery and coffee shops.