Betelvine occupies a premier position as perennial source of employment and cash flow for day to day income of the farmers among the cash crops. The high income potential of betelvine crop is due to effective demand backed by its high price. It assumes greater economic importance in the international market and earns substantial foreign exchange to the nation as a whole. Apart from its economic importance it is noted for its greater potentiality to generate employment, income at the farm level and reduce poverty from the societies. Betelvine crop is highly labour-intensive and particularly suited to the small holdings. This book has signify and confirm the economics of betelvine production for sustainable resource management, enhanced income generations and enlarged employment opportunities on a long term prospective. It has immense importance as a source of earning as well as in view of present day planning. The finding of the present inquiry would go a long way in guiding the policy makers, administrators, economists, researchers and extension workers to develop, such policies and programmes which would help the producer in raising their level of production and income.