Event Details
Event Date
Event Date: Friday, October 11, 2019
Event Time
Event Time: 6:00 PM - to 7:45 PM
Event Description
Join us as we host author Serena J. Bishop for a reading and signing of her new novel Dreams.
About the Book:
Aurora’s life is perfectly mundane. She has a job she hates, an ex that ran her out of her hometown, and the highlight of her week is Monday breakfast with her best friend. That changes when Aurora starts dreaming of a woman who can’t remember her own name. A woman who Aurora falls head over heels for. She knows the romance that develops between them isn’t real, but the dreams make life so much better that she hurries to bed every night…until she discovers that her dream woman isn’t imaginary. Her name is Leela and she is in a coma.
Aurora must risk everything—her job, apartment, friends, and her sanity—to save Leela, a woman she’s only ever met in her mind. But in order to help, Aurora must convince Leela’s neurologist and parents that she and Leela have a bond that transcends the physical plane.
Can Aurora fight through a progressively nightmarish landscape to wake Leela? And if Leela wakes, will she recognize Aurora as the one who saved her? As the one Leela said she loved? Their dream-relationship might not be real, but if there is any possibility of making her dreams come true, Aurora has to try.
About the Author:
Serena J. Bishop is a daydreamer who comes from a long line of storytellers. She had been writing technically for over a decade when she decided to give life to the fantasies she played out in her head when she was stuck in traffic or couldn’t sleep at night. When she’s not writing fiction or technical pieces she enjoys being a nerd (is a self-proclaimed expert with Buffy trivia), surprising others with her pop culture knowledge, dining out, or finding a new craft beer or wine she enjoys.
She has spent most of her life in Pennsylvania, but now resides in Maryland with her lovely wife and chihuahua.
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Location Details
Philly AIDS Thrift @ Giovanni’s Room
Address for Philly AIDS Thrift @ Giovanni’s Room
345 S. 12th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107